This is where I put much shorter pieces that are less informative and opinionated/inflamatory enough for me to not put on my front page. Unfinished posts are located here
Don't forget to hang your blinkenlights from the eaves this christmas!
If this was a prusa printer build, I'd have eaten my weight in gummy bears already
A closer look at box filters
Just a code snippet
Why would I write something like this? It'd be so much more useful and discoverable as an edit to the wikipedia page.
A learning project or NIH? I can't even tell anymore.
But often lead to larger codebases. Go figure.
I've recently been working with CD/CI systems, can you tell?
A random walk through idea-space will reach enlightenment at a rate of sqrt(2 * n * log log n).
Hopefully this is the last time we have to do this; we don't have many bits to spare.
Seriously. It's real real bad.
The revolution will return after these short messages.
Just a code snippet
Thinking about why the stack works well
The hows and the whys
I get mad at people who think that JVMs and the .class file format are good ideas