Since last time:
I wrote another simulator. This will be the 4th one, by my count. Unlike the others, this one is designed to run on an Arduino.
The idea is this: I would write a simulator of the lisp machine on my Arduino, at the level of busses and logical components. I would expose the major busses on the IO pins, and gradually replace parts of the simulation with real circuit boards on those busses. Output (at least at the beginning) is done through an LCD screen.
Some changes had to happen:
I added a port
instruction for outputting to the LCD screen. Previously, the machine would output a result by storing it in the instr
register and transitioning to an illegal state, stopping the simulation. Seeing the number on a screen is much nicer.
Very simple programs were taking forever. I would write a simple program to multiply two numbers together, and the sim would show that dozens of garbage collections happening. There are a ton of reasons, but I made a big dent in the problem by changing how local variables work. Previously, you would call (envt)
to get the contents of the environment register, a list type. Then, to get the n'th item in the environment you'd do (car (cdr ... n-1 of these ... (cdr (envt))))
. This results in a ton of function calls, which then generate a ton of garbage on the heap, filling up memory. So I added a feature where you can do (envt 10)
instead to get the 10th item in the environment. Honestly, I'd be happier with a system that could handle call stack garbage in a more general way. But that's a problem for another day.
Jesus christ, I didn't realize that how deep the arduino rabbit hole goes. There are huge, blatant bugs in the compiler that have been there for years. For example, this compiles:
typedef struct { int a; } A_t;
int bar(A_t a) { return a.a; }
void setup() {}
void loop() {}
But this doesn't:
void foo() {}
typedef struct { int a; } A_t;
int bar(A_t a) { return a.a; }
void setup() {}
void loop() {}
The latter claims that A_t
on line 3 is not declared. This is because the arduino compiler (in the IDE as well as the arduino --verify file.ino
) first runs a preprocessor over the file that rewrites shit, adds #include
s to the top of files, moves shit around. But it doesn't create an AST or anything before it starts rewriting your file, so sometimes it rewrites your perfectly valid C into non-valid C before passing it off to avr-gcc
In the above specifically, it's detecting functions foo
, bar
, setup
, and loop
, and inserting forward declarations at the top of the file. Presumably to "fix" the error that will show up when someone writes two mutually recursive functions.
This old issue may very well be the first person to complain about this problem. By coincidence, I'm posting this just 8 days short of its 15th birthday!
Honestly, I find this crazy. Like, why? Someone in their programming journey will learn about function prototypes vs definitions in like the 2nd or 3rd week [citation needed]. In an effort to make programming slightly less confusing for the first 3 weeks, the Arduino devs decided to make programming slightly harder and less predictable for weeks 4 through infinity.
Luckily, you can step around this nonsense: make a main.h
file that contains everything you would normally put in your .ino
file, and make your .ino
file look like this:
#include "main.h"
The arduino compiler only does it's stupid preprocessing on .ino
files, not on .c
or .h
files. So those are safe. For now. You could also attach --verbose
to the arduino
command, and then ditch the arduino
Also, damn arduinos have a tiny amount of RAM. Luckily, the MEGA has quite a bit of flash. If you have lots of data to stuff into flash memory, the normal PROGMEM
macro doesn't work. You have to explicitly place the data on the far side of the address space, and let the code in the .text
section have the lower addresses. You have to add __attribute__((__section__(".fini1")))
, or one of the other fini
's defined in the compiler's linker script. Reading can be done with a custom memcpy
function using pgm_read_byte_far
After all was done, I had a simple hello-world program running in the simulator, on the arduino:
(define output-instr
(port 0 72) ; H
(port 0 69) ; E
(port 0 76) ; L
(port 0 76) ; L
(port 0 79) ; O
(port 0 32) ; Space
(port 0 87) ; W
(port 0 79) ; O
(port 0 82) ; R
(port 0 76) ; L
(port 0 68) ; D
(port 0 33) ; !
(port 0 10) ; \n
Here, begin
is a macro that's just built-in to the compiler. Port 0
, output to the LCD, is the only one implemented. I also have some stub microcode for (port 1)
-style 1-operand instructions, which would take input. The idea is that, instead of interrupts, which would make everything much more complex, each peripheral would just maintain its own ringbuffer, and respond like traditional memory-mapped hardware.
I was gifted a hot plate for christmas, so no more heat gun for me! As a result, my boards look much better now:
![]() | ![]() |
Last time I had trouble with a pcb defect (my fault) where the collector and emitter pads on the transistors were a bit too far apart. But with the hotplate, it didn't matter, all the joints are nice and solid.
Part of that is probably to do with the fresh solder paste I ordered too, lol.
Here's a pic and video of the the hello-world program with the first board:
Note, in the video, I've deliberately slowed the clock so that you can see it executing each port
instruction. Also in the video, the blinky lights are wrong. There was a bug in the simulator, where the read-instr-car signal line wasn't getting reset, so it's latching other data on the bus. It's fixed in the later video.
I suppose now is a good time to talk about general structure.
The computer consists of 2 major busses: an output bus and an input bus. These busses are register-sized, so they actually consist of 4 smaller sub-busses: mark, type, car, and cdr. On the write cycle, components in the computer will write to the output bus. Then a dedicated bit of swizzle circuitry will latch, and maybe cause the values in the sub-busses to switch lanes. Like, maybe the value in the type sub-bus needs to be sent to the car sub-bus. Then, on the read cycle, those values get sent down the input bus, where they can be latched by all of the components.
So it looks something like this:
In the real machine, these busses are going to be long ribbon cables, with IDC ports punched in. The "components" above will be stacked circuit boards in a tower.
A real board looks like this:
The stacking design was inspired by many homebrew cpus, like this one. Though I currently have yet to make any hardware for the stacking.
Currently, the machine looks like this:
![]() | ![]() |
The top board is the instr
car register, the bottom one is the state
car register.
I wrote another program to show off the blinkenlights. This one multiplies (* 12 13)
and displays the result:
(define math-instr
(port 0 49) ; 1
(port 0 50) ; 2
(port 0 42) ; *
(port 0 49) ; 1
(port 0 51) ; 3
(port 0 61) ; =
(let* (
(~ (lambda (x) (~& x x)))
(& (lambda (a b) (~ (~& a b))))
(- (lambda (a b) (+ 1 (+ a (~& b b)))))
(lambda (a b)
(if (& 32768 (- a b))
(lambda (f accum a b)
(if a
(f f (+ accum b) (+ a -1) b)
(* (lambda (a b) (*-helper *-helper 0 a b)))
(lambda (f accum a b)
(if (< a b)
(list accum a)
(f f (+ accum 1) (- a b) b))))
(/% (lambda (a b) (/%-helper /%-helper 0 a b)))
(lambda (f x)
(if x
(let ((val (/% x 10)))
(f f (car val))
(port 0 (+ 48 (car (cdr val))))
(print (lambda (x) (print-helper print-helper x)))
(print (* 12 13)))
(port 0 33) ; !
(port 0 10)) ; \n
I don't have a letrec
macro implemented in the compiler yet, so I'm just doing that job manually, creating an auxiliary function and passing it itself. print
is implemented by repeatedly dividing and modulo-ing by 10. I currently don't have any right-shift instructions in the computer, so that's why it's doing the O(n) multiply.
And here it is, in all its blinky glory:
In this video, the computer is not being slowed. It's limited by what the arduino can do, but this is its current max rate.
You can see in the video that, periodically, the state
changes to 0b00011001 and instr
seems to be counting down, or state
equals 0b00011010
and instr
is counting up. Those are the two GC stages happening. The multiply generates a ton of garbage. Currently, the computer needs to GC 5 times (!!) to run this program, which is why the program takes like 40 seconds to finish. That's prety awful, but I plan on working on it.
I've gotten the boards almost fully self-hosting. With the two busses and the control lines, I don't have enough pins. I'm 4 bits short, so I supplement the data coming in or off the busses with the remaining bits that are supposed to be there according to the simulation.
I want to start building the frame, and getting more boards put together. Which means CAD work, and ordering more parts.
I'd like some more IO pins. I'd like to find some sort of IO expander kit, if anyone makes them. If not, there are plenty of I2C addressable chips.
I have to say, I'm really happy that things seem to be picking up. I've got some actual boards, and an actual microcontroller running actual cons cells, being controlled by microcode that actually works!
It's probably just me, but I have a weird "thing" with handling leaded solder. I don't mean that I'm squeamish about it. I mean I lay down newspaper on the table before I solder, and change my clothes afterwards. And in the weeks afterwards, I avoid setting things, like my phone, on the table where I solder, because of the contamination from of bits of solder -> table -> phone -> hand -> mouth. So, okay, maybe I am a little squeamish about it.
I've read online that ~3.5 ug/dL of lead in my blood is cause for concern, even for adults, so for me that comes out to ~150 ug of lead total in my bloodstream.
For reference, take this board, and let's zoom into the little speck of solder next to the 0805 resistor:
This little spec is, I feel, pretty representative of the sorts of tiny little bits of solder that end up flying off sometimes while soldering.
My calipers measure it to be ~0.32mm, from the picture I measure it to be ~0.39mm. Taking the lower measurement, that comes out to a volume of ~0.137mm^3. If this little dot was 63/37 Sn/Pb, then it would contain ~426.2ug of lead, about 3x the 150ug limit!
Now I don't know the body's digestive efficiency of lead. Or distribution of sizes of little solderballs, or the propensity of lead solder joint's to shave off little pieces through friction, or how small a spec of lead dust has to be to get picked up and carried through contact, etc etc. This is all very un-scientific. But that's anxiety, right? It's not rational.
People online say that, hey man, don't worry, it's not a problem, just don't eat while soldering, wash your hands afterwards, I've been using 63/37 my whole life, and look at me, I'm fine, and also the rosin fumes are probably worse, and lead-free solder can be toxic too ya know. I don't know, man.
All this is to say, my roll of leaded solder is getting low, and I'm probably going full lead-free after it runs out.
Other than that, I think the plan is to keep chugging along, try to get to the point where I've made and mounted all of the register boards.